
To add videos from Vimeo to your account you must be the owner of these videos, which means the Vimeo channels of these videos must be added to your alugha account. You can add as many channels as your alugha plan allows.

Procedure to add your channel(s):
1. Go to your account settings on alugha:

2. Scroll down to Manage Channels and check the URL:

Add this URL to the Vimeo profile you want to add to the list. To do this, go to your channel and click on:

On the left side you will now find a box with your info. If you do not have a Vimeo Pro Account, it will delete the URLs you are going to add. This is why you add the URL to your profile description instead:

alugha will now verify if you are allowed to add videos from this specific channel and your list will look like this:

This works for public and unlisted videos but not for private videos.