Now that you have familiarized yourself with your producer page and have filled out the initial information, we can begin your journey to your first multilingual video, starting with the upload.
1. Click on your profile icon in the upper right corner and select the menu item "Publisher"
2. Click on Upload Video and select the video whose multilingual potential you want to unleash.
3. During and after the upload, you can add the required information to your video.
- Title
- Description
- Original language
- Thumbnail
- Background (your video gets its own single video page which you can customize)
- Whitelist (Choose which websites you want to allow for embedding this video)
- Tags
After you have filled in the most important information, you can now click on Finish to save all changes.
Shortly afterward, you will be forwarded to the heart of alugha - the dubbr. The magic behind the Dubbr will be revealed in one of the following tutorials. For now, all you need to know is that you can choose your own settings for each language (title, description, etc.) The settings you wrote during the upload will be saved in the language tab which you selected as the original language.
When the video is uploaded, you will be forwarded to the Video Tab with advanced settings for your video.
Besides the general settings, you can specify things like parental control, licenses, location, categories, and start and end date (if, for instance, you want to make your video public only for a certain period of time). You can also add the video to a watchlist.
When you are an advanced Dubbr user you will be able to manage your collaborations here.
The second tab is for the language you selected as the original language. Under this tab you will see the details and settings which you established while uploading. Every additional language you add will have its respective title, description, thumbnails, background and tags.
After you have selected all the important settings you can now click on Save changes.
You can find your uploaded file under "My Archive". From there you can easily edit the video settings at any future time.
In the next tutorial we will show you the magic of the Dubbr and how to easily add more audio tracks to your video.