Embed a video on your website

Once you are done uploading your video to alugha, or you’ve found a cool video that fits your needs on the alugha platform, you can embed it directly on your website. In alugha you have various options to make the video look and function on your website just the way you want it.

To embed the video, click "Share" [1]

Next, you can decide if the video language should be selected automatically from the browser language of your audience, or if you want to make the video start in a specific language by default, or if you want the video to play automatically with subtitles. 

Next we have the player dimensions. You can show your video in various aspect ratios, such as 16:10, 16:9, 4:3, responsive, etc.

Once you are done with the settings, simply copy the "Embed code" [2] and paste it onto your website.